Harness the power of your mind.

Your mind is meant to serve you.

Yet, you may feel controlled by your mind.

By thoughts of fear, worry, self-criticism, unworthiness, lack or limitation.

Or you may be living from stories you have created – stories that you cannot do or have certain things, that you are not good enough, that you are weak or vulnerable - stories that in many instances are not even true.

But in believing them, you limit yourself immensely.

You can take your power back.

You can use your mind and your thoughts to serve you in profound ways.

To bring forth the life you are wanting, the life maybe you have only dreamed of.

But it takes an understanding of how your mind and thoughts are functioning and how to take conscious control of your mind.

This is what THOUGHTS is all about.

Your mind and thoughts are powerful. 

Use them to serve you and watch your life transform.   

THOUGHTS is the second step in the Optimization Programs. It is available only to those who have completed THE FOUNDATION.

Learn how to use your thoughts to serve you.

THOUGHTS - A 12 Week Journey to Harness the Power of Your Mind.

12 Weeks of Innovative and In-depth Teachings all about Your Thoughts. Teachings are set forth in recordings that you can listen to at your own pace. They contain in-depth and clear understandings about your mind and your thoughts, how you can control and direct your mind and how you can harness its power to serve you in profound ways.

You can listen to the recordings while you are going for a walk, cooking, or doing other things. They will fit seamlessly into your schedule and do not require an extra time commitment on your part. Further, you can listen to them as many times as you want to lock in new understandings.

Upon enrollment you receive access to all of the recordings.

11 Individual Coaching Sessions. It is essential to have another perspective to help you see your habituated ways of thinking - where you are letting your thoughts control and limit you. This is exactly what these sessions provide. We will look closely at your thoughts - how they may be holding you back, how they may be limiting you, how they may be causing you emotional turmoil. We will then apply the information set forth in the recordings to your specific situation so that you can take conscious control of your thoughts. There is no substitute for the effectiveness of one-on-one coaching, especially if you want to let go of habituated ways of thinking, take control of your thoughts and use your mind to serve you. Sessions are 1 hour and are done virtually.

Soul Realignment Reading. This reading gives you detailed information about why you may be struggling or facing challenges in certain areas of your life and what you can do to bring about change.

You may be experiencing things that you do not want and if you look back on your life, you may see that you have been experiencing these or similar things over and over. Maybe you have always struggled with money, or relationships, or with your health.

This session gives you clarity as to why you are experiencing things you do not want and why they seem to persist. It includes a clearing of any negative karmic patterns you have and practical actions you can take to bring about what it is you are wanting.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara to learn more.

As part of THOUGHTS you also receive:

Weekly Breathwork, Meditation & Kundalini Yoga

-One live-stream Breathwork & Meditation or Kundalini Yoga class a week via Zoom. After class you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive support.

-Access to recordings of each class, so you can do the class as many times as you chose and when it is most convenient for you.

-Daily Practice Recordings, which include a range of meditations, breath work and other practices that take between 3 to 20 minutes so you can incorporate practices into your day in ways that best suit your schedule and that address areas you want to focus on.

The Support of Your Coach throughout the Program:

In addition to individual sessions, you also have the support of Kara, your coach, via email & text throughout the course of the Program.

You can share your victories, express how you are feeling and ask questions. Your questions are then addressed in the coaching sessions to ensure they are properly and clearly answered.

Investment: $4,700 (payments can be made monthly)

I took both The Foundation and Thoughts programs  and I continue to have spiritual coaching sessions with Kara. I also received my Manifesting Blueprint and Soul Realignment reading when I first started coaching with her. These initial readings were extremely profound and insightful! As I continue to have coaching sessions with Kara, she is always able to meet me where I am and take me where I want to go…to increasingly become the truth of who I really am…my authentic self…in everyday life.  Elizabeth S., Ph.D.

Meet Your Coach

Welcome! I’m Kara.

I had everything I thought I wanted. Everything I had worked so hard for. A J.D. from Duke Law, a prestigious job practicing high-stakes corporate litigation at one of the largest law firms in the Southeast, money, accolades, a beautiful home… yet, I was deeply unhappy, unfulfilled, depleted and had an array of health issues.

I have transformed my life - every area of it.

I have stepped into a joy, creativity, and love for myself and this experience I did not think possible. I have healed every health issue I had and am filled with energy.

I now help others do the same and I can help you.

You can have an experience of life where you are energized, fulfilled, abundant and revel in yourself, your creativity and this experience.

You not only deserve this, but it is your natural state.

Through my own experiences, trainings, research and, more importantly, tapping into and expressing my own gifts and talents (which you have too and will step fully into in the programs), I developed The Foundation and my other programs that will help you to live the life that is your birthright. What is contained in the programs is what transformed my life and is now transforming the lives of my clients.

That I am now a coach and that I developed programs has surprised and delighted even me. When I left my job as an attorney, I left without any plan. I had no idea what would transpire. The coaching I do and my programs are something I am called to. They are not simply a business idea I had. As such, I have always held that those who resonate with me and come to my programs are meant for them. Our coming together is not a coincidence.

I am moved by those I coach. Inspired by them. You are the ones who in this lifetime are going to be and express the truth of who you are. There is nothing more powerful you can do, for yourself and for this planet.

I am happy you are here. If you resonate with me and what I offer - then we are for each other and I look forward to our ecstatic journey together and all of the benefits you will receive!

Love to you,


THOUGHTS is not a course in “positive thinking.”

I tried what is termed “positive thinking” and it left me afraid of my thoughts - because if positive thoughts led to good results then negative thoughts would lead to bad results - which was a major problem because I could not seem to stop thinking negative thoughts. “Positive thinking” also left me without results.

THOUGHTS comes from my own experience, trainings, research and years and years of trial and error of what works and what gets results. It also pulls on principles from the yogic sciences.

The information set forth in THOUGHTS is something you can start to apply immediately to take control of your thoughts and, in doing so, choose the experiences you want to be having, the life you want to be living.

You are powerful. You get to choose what you experience. You get to choose how you feel. You get to choose to live a life that maybe you have only dreamed of. But it does take you understanding your mind and your thoughts and taking conscious control over them. It is so worth the effort to gain these understandings, because once you do, you are able to harness your mind and your thoughts to serve you in powerful ways.

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Kara to learn more.