Kundalini Yoga uses sound, breath, postures, mental focus, hand positions and relaxation to work all levels of your beingness – physical, mental, emotional and energetic. So that you can have sustained vibrant health, mental clarity and boundless energy.
*It strengthens and balances all systems of the body including the glandular system, nervous system, immune system, digestive system and the circulatory system.
*It trains the mind to think with clarity and gives you the ability to direct your mind.
*It works on an energetic level by cleaning and strengthening your energetic centers and magnetic field.
*It connects you with your intuition and strengthens your ability to follow inner guidance.
*It increases your energy so that you can handle the challenges of life and excel in your creative and professional endeavors.
*It provides the tools to live an optimized life – so you can express your creativity, live in a sustained state of vibrant health, and live in a state of joy.
A Kundalini Yoga Membership is provided to all Members of the Optimization Programs.
Membership Includes:
Live-streamed classes Saturdays 10:30AM-11:30AM EST
Access to recordings of each class - so you can do the classes at your convenience and as many times as you want.
Intro to Kundalini Yoga recording.
Daily practice recordings - practices that range in time from 3 to 20 minutes so you can make Kundalini Yoga part of your daily routine.
Recording about Kundalini Yoga practices such as cold showers, yogi tea and more.
To learn more about Kundalini Yoga listen to Kara’s appearance on The Better Place Project podcast HERE.

My journey with Kundaini Yoga:
I did not have the health I wanted.
I felt controlled by my mind - by thoughts of fear and unworthiness.
I lacked a sense of internal value and worthiness.
I tried so many different things that failed to give me the results I wanted.
Then I found Kundalini Yoga and my life began to change.
The aches and pains in my body went away. I became clear-minded. I felt energized, inspired and creative. Life took on a whole new meaning for me.
I will be forever grateful for finding this practice. It helped me when nothing else seemed to be working. It was a turning point in my life setting me on the track to stepping into who I am - and it can help you too.
To lean more about my journey with Kundalini Yoga listen to my interview on the Better Place Project podcast HERE or the Madness Cafe podcast HERE.
IMPORTANT: The statements herein are based on the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as taught in KRI teacher training certification as well as my personal experience with Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga does NOT replace medical or psychiatric treatment or other medical diagnoses, treatment, supervision or advice. Always consult with and follow your doctor's instruction and consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.